Saturday, May 30, 2009

Mexican Fiesta

We had a Mexican Fiesta at the school and the high

school Mariachi Band came and played. They were

so good and the kids loved it!!! Fun night!!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

INTRODUCING THE FAMOUS DAVE KLINE FIELD!!!! Dave is retiring this year and after 30 years of coaching on this field, he is getting it formally named after him. We are proud of you's nice to know someone famous!!! We hope you don't

Grandpa's 82nd Birthday Party

While we were up in Willits, we saw this cute little fawn with it's mother. They were about 5 ft away from Grandpa and Grandma's back deck.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

We went to see Rayna's Kindergarten concert

last night. Look how animated she is. She was

cracking us up. Isn't she the shy one?

Monday, May 18, 2009

My birthday surprise

The biggest surprise of my life. I thought I was just going to dinner with two of my best friends and Alicia. When I walked into the restaurant, all of my "girls" were there along with most of my family. What a huge shocker!!!! Lots of fun for an old lady's birthday!!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I just want to align the words in the center , let's see if this works !

A few of my favorite pix!

My new adventure

Alicia set up this blog for me. Should be interesting to see if I can figure it out, as high tech as I am!!!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Debi.....a blogger ?

Let's see if we can get this thing rolling!!